Tax Refund Status
Knowing your e-file status gives you peace of mind and the ability to plan. Whether you filed online or by mail, your income tax refund can be tracked here
Income Tax Refund Status
The status of your tax refund is still viewable—right here! Find out when you can expect your tax refund from the IRS by clicking below.'
You’ll be directed to the IRS Where's My Refund? secure site and asked for the following information:
Social Security Number
Filing Status
Exact refund amount shown on your return
Depending on how you chose to receive your tax refund, you may need to allow an additional two to five business days from the date indicated by the IRS for your bank to process your refund.
State Refund Status
It's not always easy to predict when your state refund will be coming in. With the increase of identity theft and tax refund fraud, many states have added additional security features to make sure your tax refund is delivered to the right person – you! In some instances, these additional measures might increase refund processing time.
Select your state: